We meet learning professionals where they are to build new skills, think and design differently and create immersive and alternative learning experiences.
just a few of my super cool projects
check out my blog
Who I Am
I know who I am. I recognize my worth.At least right now in this present moment. (Tomorrow may be a different story) Saying that out loud might sound haughty to those that don't know my story. I have worked dang hard to figure out who I am and recognize my worth...
Make it Fit
Sometimes I drive myself crazy. Sometimes I have so many things that I'm trying to do at the same time - I can't seem to do anything. This morning, I have jury duty. So I grab some stuff to take with me to do while I'm waiting. There are no electronics allowed in the...
He Brought You Here
Where are YOU? Is the place that you are in right now where you want to be? Are you happy? Content? Satisfied? Restless? Unmotivated? Miserable? How have things been going? Well? Could be better? And how do you feel about it? Fine? Not fine? Indifferent?...