We meet learning professionals where they are to build new skills, think and design differently and create immersive and alternative learning experiences.
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The Way You REALLY Love Them
I live my life loving people. I believe that we only have one life and we are not guaranteed on how long it will last. With that in mind, I believe with my whole heart that you should love people the way you really love them. In other words, love the people that you...
Grief…it’s what’s for dinner
Grief does not only apply when we have lost a loved one. Grief does not discriminate that way - its not nearly that picky. Grief occurs when we lose hopes and dreams. When we lose large life changing expectations. When we lose jobs. When we lose relationships -...
Just Like You
Nine Years.It has been almost nine years since I lost my son. Loss affects us all. While I want to say I pray you never experience loss and heartache like losing someone so close to you - the reality is that you likely will. When Charlie died, everything changed. ...