We meet learning professionals where they are to build new skills, think and design differently and create immersive and alternative learning experiences.
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Ask Betty Thursday: Personal Brand
So there's a few things that I've learned about personal brand through the years. First, it should be genuine and authentic. Brand is really what you're known for and how people recognize you. Your brand already exists. Take a look at who you are and...
Ask Betty Thursday: Shiny Objects
AR and VR are DEFINITELY shiny and cool tech! But I see big potential in the learning space. For example, we adopted AR at the insurance company I work for and have had great success with it. AR is a great way to bridge the gap between how we learn at home and how...
Best of Ask Betty! vol.1
As close out 2019, here's a look back at the best of Ask Betty from the last couple months. Check it out below and stay tuned for more Ask Betty in 2020! Thanks for the question! While we could prepare an entire conference session in this topic (kinda like the ones I...